How to Boost Confidence When Working From Home

Being stuck at home has put our minds in a funky place. It’s hard to feel like you're in your stride at work with zero social contact. If you have been feeling a little less confident, just know, it’s totally normal.
We are all adjusting to new lifestyles that don’t include weekly manicures, hair appointments, and lash fills. But have no fear. Here are some tips to help you keep that self-esteem up, because you are most definitely worthy!
It can be as simple as changing from your PJs to an equally comfy outfit. Braiding your hair, or slicking it with some gel. Looking like you put effort into your presentation will give you that boost of confidence to accomplish more things, big or small!
Make sure to go to the mirror on the hour to give yourself a smile and finger guns (not really, unless that works for you;]). DO give yourself and any quarantine buddies one compliment everyday!
Try some new crafts that you haven’t before. This is a great time to find new channels that express your style and creativity. This will also turn your focus from how you look to what you can DO, because that’s what counts!
Remember when we would get dressed up just for fun? If you’re feeling a little bored, spend some time playing dress up in your closet! Come up with some fun outfit ideas (like turning your skirts into tops) so when things are back to normal, you already have a few looks ready to go.
Have an open mind. If you’re used to hitting the gym everyday and can’t, or you aren’t eating as healthily because you are buying only the necessities at the store. Give yourself a break. The world is changing and you might, too. But that’s okay! <3
The key to confidence when working at home is to keep expressing yourself! Don’t forget to exercise those little things that bring us joy. The last thing you want to not feel like yourself when the lockdown has been lifted.
You may think there are more important things to worry about than what you wear, but self esteem IS important and just a few minutes of effort can get feeling like yourself again.
Check out our team’s comfy-chic outfit ideas for inspo!
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