Savile Row Blazers: How to wear the look seen all over FW18 runway

rolled up sleeves on sports coat

From neon animal prints to bold florals, there’s no question that prints are in for fall this year. But the print trend we can’t get enough of right now is old-school Savile Row. We. Are. In. Love.

rolling up sleeves on a jacket


Classic patterns like herringbone, glen plaid, and tartan are back. And we couldn’t be happier. The best part about this trend? It’s all over women’s runways. Finally, a feminine take on Savile Row!


There’s a ton of pattern going on and the jackets have a serious formal vibe to them. If that’s not your thing and you prefer a softer look, you can break the pattern up by showing off a solid color lining. We love the way @alwayscoco paired CuffedUp Cuff Rolls to create a dynamic rolled sleeve effect with her Savile Row print blazer.

rolled up sleeves on sports coat

The solid colored lining tones down the rest of the pattern and softens the look overall. Rolling up your blazer sleeves also makes the jacket more casual.

Pro tip: Black Cuff Rolls work best with blazers and jackets that are darker colored or denim.

Click here to see a few tutorials on how to get incredible rolled sleeves onyour blazers with CuffedUp!

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